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This company takes every opportunity to increase its knowledge of the Horticultural industry.  It is a proud and active member of the NSLGA (Nassau Suffolk Landscape Gardeners Association) as well as Cornell Cooperative Extension...Our clients are provided with a quarterly newsletter that keeps them updated on the latest news within our industry. Finally, conferences, workshops, and seminars are just one requirement to being a member of our staff. 


Helpful steps to hiring a landscaper/gardener. According to Mike, this is one area that most home/business owners are unfamiliar with. Mike feels it's essential to educate all of his current and potential new clients about the importance of hiring a legal and educated landscaper/gardener. His philosophy states, "When making a choice about a landscaper/gardener, one in which will be operating business on your property/grounds every week, it's important to consider the following: education, professionalism, honesty, reliability and trust." Most home/business owners are under the assumption all landscape/gardening businesses are operating legally. However, the truth is they are not. It is estimated that 1 out of every 9 Landscape/Gardening companies which are operating are operating illegally. In order for a business to be legal it needs to be able to provide the home/business owner with the following information: Federal Employer ID number; State Registered Business Sales Tax number; County Consumer Affairs License; Town and Villages permits if required; Liability insurance, Workman's Compensation Insurance; and a New York State Certified Applicators License. It is your right and also for your safety to ask to see these documents. Don't be fooled by taking someone's word. If they are unable to provide you with all the necessary information, something is wrong with the company. Mike states, "In this industry these companies are called 'fly by nights' and they lack professionalism." The so-called "fly by nights" lack creditability and have no right performing this type of work. The home/business owners can be held liable for this lack of professionalism.

The pamphlet below was produced by the NSLGA which is to help educate the public. If you have any questions about why its important to hire legal gardeners/landscapers vs. illegal gardeners/landscapers, you can contact the NSLGA office (phone number on the back of pamphlet) or us. Please click below: (You must have Microsoft Publisher to view the attached. If you would like a copy of the NSLGA document, please visit our Feedback page and contact us.)


In order to apply Herbicides, Insecticides, and Fungicides (Pesticides), you need to be certified by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. To obtain this certification, one must undergo a Pesticide course, pass a test by NYSDEC, and take continuing education classes pertaining to this matter. Extensive record keeping is also required by the certified applicator who is applying the above mentioned products to your property. These records are then turned over to the NYSDEC in Albany at the end of each calendar year.

For your safety and all of those around you, ask to see your landscapers/gardener's pesticide applicator's identification card. Also ask if their vehicles are tagged with the proper decals that identify that they are a certified applicator. Again, if they cannot provide you with the proper information mentioned, it is against the law for them to perform this type of work on your property. You can be held liable for their actions!

We always practice I.P.M.

With today's concerns about the use and misuse of pesticides in our environment, we take every precaution. Whenever tailoring a chemical program for your turf, trees, or ornamentals, we always use an Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.) technique. According to Cornell Cooperative Extension, and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, I.P.M. is defined as a systematic approach to managing pests, which focuses on long-term prevention or suppression with minimal impact on human health, the environment, and non-target organisms. I.P.M. incorporates all reasonable measures to prevent pest problems by properly identifying pests, monitoring population dynamics, and utilizing cultural, physical, biological, or chemical pest population management methods to reduce pests to acceptable levels. We feel there is a correct way to use pesticides and they do have their purpose in the horticultural industry.


We carry over one million dollars in liability insurance coverage, workman's compensation, and the proper insurance to apply and spray pesticides. 

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